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Growth Group Studies

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In around AD 57 the Apostle Paul wrote one of the most profound letters in all of history – a letter to the church in Rome. His purpose? The gospel of Jesus. He wants the world to know the truth of who Jesus is, why He came, and what it means for you and me. The gospel is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes, so let’s dive into Romans and discover this power again… or perhaps for the first time.

The gospels record for us some crazy things Jesus said; true, but crazy. It is in these crazy things which Jesus said that we find some of the deep comforting truths of the gospel. These crazy things reveal who Jesus is, why he came, and how the hope of the Gospel should shape our lives.

The Psalms is the prayer and song book of the bible. They have much to teach about how we can come to God with all the troubles and longings our souls and know that he knows and listens and cares and acts.

God has ordained ordinary ways for us to not only learn the gospel but to continue to be sustained by the gospel – these things are sometimes referred to as “the means of grace”. These are things which God has given us that He uses to work His grace into our lives. They are; God’s word, prayer, the church, and the sacraments (Lord’s Supper and Baptism).

Did you know there are things that God cannot do? In this series we consider those things and why they are good news for you and me.