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Who is Jesus?

The short answer is – Jesus is the Son of God Saviour-King who came in fulfilment of God’s promise to save the world from sin, evil, and death through His life, death, resurrection and ascension.

Jesus Christ is at the very centre of the Christian faith, so knowing who he is and what he has done is of vital importance. Many will ask questions such as, “Can we really know Jesus?” or “Did he even exist?” or “Does it even matter?” – the answer to all 3 is, “yes!”

The following 4 short videos will help you think through the claims of Jesus in 3 key ways.
1. It will dispel some popular myths that many believe about Jesus and how we can know him,
2. It will help you understand why you can have confidence in the bible – the primary place where the truth about Jesus, and what he accomplished through his death and resurrection, is revealed.
3. It will well help you understand why Christians believe that the most important decision a person can make is to place their faith in Jesus.

Who is Jesus?

Did Jesus rise from the dead?

Can I trust the New Testament accounts about Jesus?

Why does it matter what I believe about Jesus?